Friday, August 10, 2012

Attempted Rescue

As we were leaving Raven Rock when Tracy noticed 2 dogs wandering beside the road.  We pulled the van over and Tracy went to see if she could befriend and catch them.  They were young, probably 5-6 months old Chow mixes.  They were seemingly healthy, in good physical condition but one was limping a bit. We didn't have any slip leads or even a crate in the van but we didn't want to see them get hurt.

Armed with yummy treats, she patiently tried to coax them to her.  They were very skittish, grabbing a treat and then backing off.  She did get the bolder of the two to take a treat from her hand a few times though but as soon as she moved even so much as a toe, they were gone.

30min and many treats later, we decided we were just going to have to leave them.  We moved the van and then attempted one last effort by bringing out one of our dogs to see if they wanted to play.  They decided enough was enough and ran back into the woods - away from the road.
We can only hope they are okay.

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