Monday, August 6, 2012

An Ounce of Prevention...

We just had a scare.  I let the dogs out to potty and for the first time in the entire 2 year period I have had her - AYLA took off.  I am not sure if she was chasing something or what happened but when I called the dogs in a few minutes later - both she and Knoxx were not responding.  A few more calls and Knoxx was back but no Ayla.

I was about to get in the van and go look for her when my phone rang.  She was across the paddock at the neighbors house maybe 1/2 mile away.  She was just sitting on their porch with their dog pretty as you please.  And in a direction I would not have looked - not like finding a black dog in the dark would have been easy in the first place.

So this brings me to my point - if she had not been wearing her ID tag - who knows what would have happened.  I had just ordered tags for everyone else as well that arrived yesterday.  Knoxx had some damage on his, Luka lost the collar his were on and the J's didn't have any yet.  

Guess who'll be getting new tags tonight!  They are part of a discounted line from Lucky Pet.

So where do you get tags?  Obviously most pet shops and even some Walmarts can engrave tags, vets offices can do them and don't forget online.  Some of my favorites are:

So if your information has changed, the engraving has worn off, or you just don't have a tag for your pet - get one - it can save their life!

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